Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patellofemoral Instability
Table 1 (suite)
Medial Condylar Height Line 1 is drawn across the posterior margins of the medial and lateral condyles.
MCH is the distance from the most anterior margin of the medial condyle to
Line 1 that is perpendicular to line 1.
% of Epicondylar
Width MCH
MCH expressed as a percentage of the transepicondylar width.
Lateral Trochlear
Line 1 is drawn across the posterior margins of the medial and lateral condyles.
Line 2 is drawn along the lateral slope of the trochlear groove. LTI is the angle
between the two lines. A positive angle opens laterally.
Limb Geometry
TT-TG offset is defined as the lateral distance of the tibial tuberosity with respect
to the center of the trochlear groove, measured parallel to a line connecting the
posterior condyles. One way to measure the offset is as follows:
Connect posterior condyles of femur
Draw perpendicular reaching apex of femoral groove
Scroll to apex of tibial tuberosity and leave cursor there
Scroll back to trochlear slice
Draw a line to the 1
perpendicular and measure. This line is parallel to the
posterior femoral condylar line
Coronal Measurements
Line 1 is drawn through the axis of the femur, and line 2 is drawn through the
axis of the tibia. CA is the angle between these two lines.
Lateral Condylar Height LCH is the distance from the physeal scar to the lateral margin of the lateral
femoral condyle articular surface.
Medial Condylar Height MCH is the distance from the physeal scar to the medial margin of the medial
femoral condyle articular surface.
Patellar Station
Using the sagittal image through the mid patella facet as determined on
axial image, the following measurements are made.
Patella Station A:
Measured from the most proximal articular margin of the
patella to the most distal (nonarticular) aspect of the patella.
Patella Station B:
Measured from most proximal to most distal articular
margin of the patella.
Patella Station C:
Measured from the most distal aspect of the patella to the distal
insertion of the patellar tendon at the tibial tuberosity (patella tendon length).
Patella Station D:
Measured from the most distal articular surface of the
patella to the anterior margin of the articulating surface of the tibia plateau.
Patella Station E:
Measured from the most distal aspect of the articular
surface of the patella to the distal insertion of the patellar tendon at the tibial
Patella Station F:
Measured from the most distal aspect of the patella to the
anterior margin of the articulating surface of the tibia plateau
Patellar Trochlear
Measures the length of the overlap between patellar and trochlear articulating
Trochlear Bossing (AP)
Anterior posterior dimensions are estimated on sagittal image.
Insall-Salvati Ratio
Station C divided by Station A
Modified Insall-Salvati
Station E divided by station B
Stations D divided by station B
Morphology Ratio
Station A divided by station B
Femoral Contacting
Surface Ratio
Station B divided by the trochlear overlap.