Patellofemoral Arthroplasty
Encountered Problems
Design, surgical error, patient selection error
Femorotibial OA
Patient selection error
Persistent patellofemoral instability
Design, surgical error, patient selection error
Surgical error
Not related
«Hooking/catching/snapping» coming from deep
flexion at transition cartilage to prosthesis
Design: LCS/Richards/Lubinus/KineMatch. Surgical error
Design: Autocentric
“Catching” on transition proximal femur/prosthesis
around extension
Design: Autocentric/Lubinus. Surgical error
Medial/lateral «catching»
Design: Avon/Lubinus. Surgical error
ACL irritation
Design: Lubinus
Design: Richards
Loosening of Trochlea component
Rarely encountered, no obvious cause
Loosening of Patellar component
Rarely encountered, no obvious cause
Rarely encountered, no obvious cause
Breaking PE
Design: Kinematch/LCS
Dislocation PE/Patella
Design: LCS
Table 2: Encountered problems in PFA
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