The Elmslie-Trillat procedure is a tuberosity
medialisation leaving the distal part of the
tubercle attached on a periostial hinge and was
reported by Trillat in 1964 (ref) Trillat credited
the English orthopedic surgeon Elmslie for the
technique who never published his technique
himself (fig. 1).
A medial realignment of the extensor mecha
nism was first reported by Cesar Roux in 1888
(ref) (fig. 2).
It was not until 1938 when Hauser reported
about 4 succesful cases of medial transfer the
interest was renewed in distal procedures (ref.)
(fig. 3).
Hauser his technique involved a transfer of the
tibial tuberosity distal and medial. This caused
as a consequence of the proximal tibia geometry
also a transfer in dorsal direction. In addition to
How the Elmslie-Trillat
procedure has been used
in Europe or US?
A. Wymenga
Fig. 1: Roux procedure
Fig. 2: Elmslie-Trillat procedure