J. Chouteau
At pre operative time, 30 patients had varus
knee (mean 173°; range 163°-179) and 10
patients had valgus knee (mean 188°; range
181°-191°). The average pre operative range of
motion (ROM) was 103° (range 70°-130°). The
average surgical time was 47min (range 38min-
65min) for cementless TKA, and 62min (range
44min-90min) for cemented TKA. 13% of the
patients had patellar resurfacing only for severe
patello femoral osteoarthritis. The average
blood loss was 420ml (range 320ml-920ml).
The average post operative frontal alignment
was 180°±3° in 96% of the cases. We had one
early tibial plateau loosening (cementless
implant), revised at 8 post operative month
with simple follow-up. One patient fall down
in the stairs and had a tibial fracture with
revision of the tibial component.
At 2 post operative month, the mean ROM was
119° (73% of the patients > 115°). 2/3 of the
patients walked without support. 1/3 of the
patients used one crutch when walking outside.
At 6 post operative month, the mean ROM was
126° (fig. 3) (96% of the patients > 120°). None
of the patients used crutches. 92% were very
satisfied of their operation.
Clinical results at one year and 3 year were
similar to 6 month. At the longest follow-up no
patellar maltracking was noticed on the skyline
views whatever the preoperative position of the
patella was (fig. 4).
Fig. 2: Example of manual segmentation of MRI:
femoral posterior points.
Fig. 3: Maximal flexion at 6 month post op.
Fig. 4: No patellar maltracking observed with PSI
even in sever Patello femoral Joint Osteoarthritis.