• Life long suppressive AB:
elderly and fragi-
le patients, immunosuppressive patients,
In case of non growing pathogens: recent AB
and clinically inapparent infection (type I
Tsukayama-Segawa) routine microbiological
cultures are performed but samples are sent to
the molecular laboratory
(Prof. J.L. Gala,
The DNA extraction procedure, polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) and molecular species
identification are performed to identify
sequences corresponding to the presence of
Gram+ and Gram-bacteria (picture 4).
The authors confirm the previous data repor-
ting the persistence of bacterial DNA in
samples collected from septic arthritis up to
22 days after antibiotics initiation [11].
Each identification technique has its advan-
tages and disadvantages (Table 1).
Even with specific treatment, the literature
demonstrates a recurrence rate of infection
after 2 stages reimplantation of 20% [12, 13].
The surgeon must individualize the surgical
and non surgical treatment by comparing the
likehood of success to the risk and morbidity
for a specific infection in a specific patient.
So there is a need to identify patient with a
increased risk of recurrence and susceptibili-
ty to new infection. The Mac Pherson’s sta-
ging for periprosthetic infection is one of the
procedures to develop infection prevention
protocol [14].
J.-L. GALA, center for Applied Molecular Technology, 30.46 Clos Chapelle-aux-champs. B 1200 Bruxelles, Belgium.
Microbiological methods
Molecular analysis
False negative results: previous ABtherapy
Unaffected by ABtherapy
Small inoculum
False positive: exogenous bacterial DNA
Prolonged transport time
Disadvantage: cost!
Picture 3 : We prefer mostly, for the impor-
tant reconstructions of soft tissues, a free
flap of latissimus dorsi rather than a pedicle
flap of gastrocnemius.
Picture 4 : Comparison of DNA sequences to
a database for the identification of germs.
Table 1