Functional assessment: specificity of young patients
The patient self assigns to one of 10 categories
of sporting participation, ranging from “wholly
inactive, dependent on others, and can not
leave residence” to “regularly participates in
impact sports.” (fig. 2)
Documentation Committee (IKDC),
can be
used to assess the knee of an active or athletic
patient, even if it is usually used to assess the
questionnaire assessing 10 items : pain, stability,
volume, blocking, and ability to perform activi
ties of daily living and sporting activities (fig. 3).
Osteoarthritis of Knee Hip Quality of
(OAKHQOL) measures is a general score
for the lower limb, and focused primarily on
psychosocial assessment. It is intended to
assess five domains: pain, physical activity,
mental health, social support and social
activities [17].
Check one of the box best describes current activity level
1- Wholly inactive, dependent on others, and can not leave residence
2- Mostly inactive or restricted to minimum activities of daily leaving
3- Sometimes participates in mild activities, such as walking, limited housework and limited
4- Regularly participates in mild activities
5- Sometimes participates in moderate activities such as swimming or could do unlimited
housework or shopping
6- Regularly participates in moderated activities
7- Regularly participates in active events such as bycicling
8- Regularly participates in active events such as golf or bowling
9- Sometimes participates in impact sports such as jogging, tennis, skiing, acrobatics, ballet,
heavy labor or backpacking
10- Regularly participates in impact sports
Fig. 2 : UCLA score
Fig. 3 : Subjective IKDC score, sporting activities section