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muscle forces necessary to flex and extend the

knee, these force being typically 40% higher

for Model 2 than for Model 1. For a patient to

reproduce the same knee motion with a knee

reconstructed as in Model 2, they would need

to generate approximately 40% greater exten-

sor muscle force throughout the gait cycle in

order to do so (fig. 4). Given such a large

increase in the extensor muscle force required,

what is more likely is that the knee motions

would be compromised and that a patient with

a knee reconstructed as in Model 2 would be

less likely to be able to reproduce normal knee

function and therefore more likely to report

poor outcome (Adravanti P

et al.

, submitted).

In order to correctly choose the resection

dimensions of the posterior cut and to obtain

correct femoral extrarotation, we believe in the

utility of spacers to measure the volume of

flexion space prior to perform the posterior cut.

A fundamental point is to reconstruct the AP

size of the distal femoral epiphysis in order to

re-establish quadriceps leverage and the poste-

rior condylar off-set (fig. 5); the latter one is

fundamental to restore the normal joint line

height in flexion. An undersized femoral com-

ponent anteroposteriorly compared to the natu-

ral femoral epiphysis reduces quadriceps leve-

rage and increases the force on the femoropa-

tellar surface, thus increasing the risk of ante-

rior knee pain and reducing joint function.

During normal activities of daily living such as

stair climbing, the load bearing force on the

articular surface can reach up to three times a

person’s body weight; during maximal flexion,

the force on the femoropatellar surface can

increase by up to seven to eight times body

weight, or nearly more than 150% the force on

the femorotibial surface.

Reconstruction of the posterior condylar offset

is essential for obtaining good range of motion

in flexion. This is possible only with modular

femoral components, i.e., components that dif-

fer minimally in size, which will then enable

us to posteriorize as far as possible the compo-

nent, while maintaining a correct anterior cut,

without notching or creating anterior overload,

and particularly without compromising flexion

and extension spaces [17, 18].

With prosthesis designs, with dimensional gap

of 3-4mm, the posterior offset can be recons-

tructed only by translating the component

anteroposteriorly, but they more often allow

for notching the anterior cortical surface or

stuffing the patellofemoral compartment ins-

tead [17, 18] which for each additional milli-

meter reduces flexion by 6 degrees [19].

By the same token, variation of only 1mm in

the posterior offset leads to a variation of

flexion of 6 degrees [18]. And because poste-

rior offset is also fundamental for good recove-

ry of flexion [20]. In total knee replacement

one should bear in mind that the knee is com-

posed of three compartments and that evalua-

tion of the patellofemoral compartment is key





Fig. 4 : In model 2 patients would need to

generate approximately 40% greater exten-

sor muscle force throughout the gait cycle

respect to model 1 patients.

Fig. 5 : QLA (quadriceps lever arm)

and PCO (posterior condylar off-set).