C. Fink, P.J. Erasmus
Patient sitting on
the side of the bed
Active knee extension and flexion
Lateral movement (Tanaka and Thawait)
• Proximal
- Neutral
- Lateral maltracking
- J-sign
- Diagonal movement
• Distal
- Subluxation in flexion
Medial movement (iatrogenic secondary to lateral release)
Extension against resistance from 90 degree flexion
to full extension.
• Crepitation positive or negative
- Negative
- Positive
(Note at what flexion angle it appears and disappears)
Patella stability at 30° knee flexion
Tibial torsion
Ankle movement
Patient lying flat
Knee range of movement
• Tenderness
- Epicondyle
- Medial patella border
• Stability test at 30° knee flexion
• Movement
- Side to side
- Tilt
Hip Rotation
• Hip in extension
• Hip in flexion
Patient on side
Patella and knee stability
• Patella Stability test at 30° knee flexion
• Possible antero lateral laxity (ACL)
Squatting from
standing to heel
• Pain
• Crepitations
(Note at what flexion angle it appears and disappears)