P.B. Schoettle
techniques, the new surface rather works like
liquid metal without the risk of an overstuffing
(fig. 2). However, any bone malalignment,
especially a pathological internal rotation can
not be treated with these methods.
As a conclusion: nowadays, an inlay system
seems to be the preferred thechnique in
patellofemoral arthritis, since amore anatomical
result can be achieved. In cases with an
additional (causing) malalignment, either an
onlay technique with a correcting anterior
femur cutting osteotomie or a combinative
treatment of an osteotomie and an inlay
technique has to be performed.
Additional resurfacing of the patella seems to
be indicated only in cases with a concave
patella without any physiological gliding
properties or for improving kinematics and
stability, while the focal degeneration of the
patellar cartilage has no negative influence on
the outcome if not treated.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2a
Fig. 2b