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Page Background

In case valgus 10 c_post was 1 cm shorter than

predicted and 0.3 mm shorter than preoperati-

ve. Here we could measure a shortening of the

femur of 0.5 cm plus a shortening of the tibia

(T-JL) of 0.4 cm which add up to a shortening

of 0.9 cm. This can also be measured as a shor-

tening of the knee joint of 0.9 cm.

The angle was overcorrected in to a varus of

10° considering an AFTm of 180° we would

predict a leg length of 77.1 cm which would be

0.8 cm shorter than c_predictive and which

would correspond with the measured shorte-

nings in leg length of 1 cm or knee length of

0.9 cm (Table 4).

Group 2 (normal)

In group 2 (normal) we calculated a mean dif-

ference of 0.3 mm between c_pre and c_post.

In 8 cases the difference of c_post to

c_predictive was 0.4 cm or less. The smallest

difference was 0 cm the largest 1.1 cm. In one

case, normal 7 c_post was 0.7 cm longer than

predicted. Here we could measure a lengthe-

ning of the femur of 0.5 cm and a lengthening

of the tibia (T-JL) of 0.1 cm. These add up to

0.6 cm and this matches with the lengthening

of 6 mm measured in the knee joint (Table 4).

In case normal 10 we had a shortening of 1 cm

to the predicted leg length c_predictive and a





Table 4: Preoperativ and postoperative length of femur and “joint”.

All measurements are given in cm.