Technical aspects of TKA in the valgus knee
Results and
We have used this technique for over 11 years
in over 540 patients with pre-operative valgus
knee deformity ≥10 degrees. Average age was
72 (48-87 years) with 448 female (83%) and
92 male (17%) patients. Mean Body Mass
Index (BMI) was 29.2 kg/m2 (18.5-43.9).
Primary diagnosis was osteoarthritis in
491knees (91%), rheumatoid arthritis in
39 knees (7.2%) and inflammatory or psoriatic
arthritis in 10 knees (1.8%).
Of those 540 patients 270 are between 6 and
11 years from surgery. In this latter group with
a longer follow-up we report good to excellent
outcomes at one year in 93% of knees. The
mean postoperative AKS clinical score was
86.5 (±12.5) and functional score was 67.9
Fig. 2: Balance of extension gap with postero-lateral capsule release.
Fig. 3: Example of patella contouring.