Rehabilitation and CORE musculature in the Treatment of Patellofemoral pain
Domain Tested
Test Activity
Recorded Value
Knee ROM
Degrees of motion
Joint line circumference
Centimeters around the joint line
Thigh circumference
Centimeters around the thigh
(15 cm proximal to suprapatellar border)
Core Stability
Prone plank timed hold
(fig. 3c)
Seconds held, maintaining ideal alignment
(out of maximum of 60 seconds)
Side plank timed hold
(fig. 3a)
Seconds held, maintaining ideal alignment
(out of maximum of 60 seconds)
Single leg bridge repetitions
to fatigue (fig. 3b)
Maximum repetitions to muscle fatigue
Single limb balance with
eyes closed
Seconds held (out of maximum of 60
Single limb stand and reach
Centimeters reached with opposite arm of
stance limb
Star excursion balance test
Centimeters reached with opposite toe
from stance limb
Lower Extremity
Muscle Strength
Single limb maximum depth
squat (fig. 4)
Maximum knee flexion angle reached at
depth of squat
Retro step-up/down
Maximum step height successfully
completed (inches)
Lower Extremity
Muscle Endurance
2 Minute Single Leg
Repeated Squat Test
Maximum number of squats completed to
60° KF at 60 bpm tempo x 2 minutes,
preserving ideal trunk and limb alignment
(max value = 60 squats)
Lower Extremity
Single limb hop for distance
Maximum distance hopped in centimeters/
6M Timed hop
Maximum speed recorded in seconds
Triple cross-over hop for
Maximum distance hopped in centimeters/
Table 1: Physical performance testing elements used at our facility