But it can be difficult to make the correct bone
cuts within the range of 1-2 mm.
Implant designs have their specific contact
point which is determined by the deepest part
of the bearing insert at a certain position mea-
sured at the anteroposterior distance of the
tibial plateau for instance at 60%. The problem
during surgery is to control this contact point
since the position of the femur on the tibia can-
not easily be measured at the back of the knee
joint. We therefore developed a simple tech-
nique to check the contact point in 90 degrees
of flexion by indirectly measuring the step off
between the distal cut of the femur and the
anterior edge of the tibia with a spacer in place
after all the bone cuts are made.
During laboratory tests of an anatomically-
designed cruciate retaining knee implant the
above described spacer technique was used to
check correct the PCL balancing during
implantation of the knee implant. Knee kine-
matics were measured passively and in a
muscle-loaded oxford rig simulating a weight
bearing squat.
The goal of this paper is to present prelimina-
ry data of some kinematic aspects of the
Journey CR implant design and explain the
PCL balancing technique and show some
results of this surgical approach.
For this study, eight fresh frozen full leg cadaver
specimen were used. The methodology followed
for the experiments was largely similar to the
detailed description given by Victor
et al.
Prior to the experiment, with the legs still fro-
zen, two bone pins were inserted bicortically in
both femur and tibia and frames with four
reflective spherical markers were fixed to the
pins. A CT scan of the full leg was then made
with the frames in place on a 64-row multide-
tector computed tomography (MDCT) scanner
(General Electric Lightspeed VCT, Milwaukee,
WI). Coordinate systems for femur and tibia
could be defined to describe the relative femo-
ro-tibial kinematics during the tests, based on
the tracked marker trajectories.
Twenty-four hours before the experiment, the
legs were taken from the freezer to thaw over-
night. With a computer assisted system
(PiGalileo) the mechanical axis of femur and
tibia were determined and laxity tests were
performed. Then, the femoral head and the
ankle were removed and the femur and tibia +
fibula were cut to a length of 32cm and 28cm
respectively. Both bones were cleaned and
embedded in aluminum fixtures with PMMA,
paying attention to proper alignment in the
coronal and sagittal planes. Afterwards, the
quadriceps tendon was dissected, stripped
from all muscle tissue and securely fixed in a
clamp. Also the medial and lateral hamstrings
tendons were dissected and suture wires were
attached to be able to load the hamstrings
during the experiment.
Finally, prototype components of a new
Journey CR implant (Smith & Nephew,
Memphis, TN) were implanted using naviga-
tion. With the computer assisted system the
knee prosthesis was implanted using a measu-
red resection technique resecting the same
amount of bone equal to the prosthesis thick-
ness in extension and flexion. A three degrees
external rotation jig was used to determine the
femur rotation. A bony island around the PCL
was preserved and all ligaments were intact
after finishing the bonecuts.
The surgical PCL balancing technique was
based on the preferred contact point in the
insert of the knee implant. The engineers of the
knee system can calculate per tibial base plate
size what the absolute distance from the
contact point to the anterior edge of the tibia is.
With a same size femur projected on the tibia
one can also calculate the distance of the distal
femur cut bone surface to the anterior edge of
the tibia. For the Journey Cruciate Retaining
knee implant tested the size 3-4 had a step-off
of 17mm, size 5-6 18mm, size 7-8 19mm