P.R.F. Saggin, P.G. Ntagiopoulos, P. Ferrua, D. Dejour
Trochleoplasty was indicated if there was a
boss greater than 6mm, and associated
procedures performed as required. Of the 17
knees, 9 had undergone previous surgery for
patellar instability. The boss height was
reduced, postoperatively, from an average of
7.5mm to 0.7mm. Tracking became normal in
11 knees and six had a slight J-sign. Seven
knees had mild residual apprehension. Seven
patients were very satisfied, six were satisfied,
and two were disappointed. The Kujala score
improved from an average of 48 to 75.
Deepening trochleoplasty is indicated in
patients with high-grade trochlear dysplasia
(types B or D) and abnormal patellar tracking.
It is part of the “menu à la carte” used to the
correct each of the anatomical abnormalities,
one by one. The technical procedure is highly
demanding and prone to complications. It is,
however, effective in providing stability and
achieves satisfactory clinical results.
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